Saturday, May 28, 2011

I'm back!!! and ready to LOSE!

I'm finally back. I took a break from my goal to lose because once I restricted my diet, I ended up restricting my baby's diet too (aka my milk supply tanked). Today is B's first birthday. This means he's due for his 12 month appointment at the pediatrician. At this appointment, we'll be discussing the weaning process and transitioning to cows milk. This gives me mixed emotions. I love that I can provide something for my son that no one else can. I love the bond we have and the secret looks and smiles we exchange while nursing. I don't love the weight I've kept on. To all those mothers out there that were pre-pregnancy weight a few months into nursing- I'm utterly and completely jealous. I'm not that lucky.
So, I'm back to my plan to lose this damn weight. I've been thinking about my plan of attack, usually while I'm taking a shower and wishing the water could just melt away the love handles and belly I've developed. Here's my plan, tell me if I'm crazy?
I'm going to log everything I eat, daily. I'm going to losely keep track of (WW) points and increase my activity. I'm going to do some research and find some new races to sign up for. (Before our relocation I had a race or two picked out every month between April and November) It stays lighter longer where we are now, so potentially I could go running after the kids are in bed, or really early before D leaves for work, if the kids are still sleeping.
I'm going to do this- I must do this.
Weight loss goal: 15lbs by July 31. This gives me 9 weeks to do reach the goal.
Wish me luck!