So far, I've run twice. Once a couple weeks ago, and then again last night. I took my dog out with me both times, something I will not do again. Who would have thought I would be in better shape than my dog! I had to practically drag him while running. The only time he was in front of me was when we ran into the driveway and he realized where we were. He took off straight for the pond. Guess he likes swimming better than running. I've forgotten how much I like to run. It feels good and I feel like I've done something good- just for me, something I don't get a lot of time to do daily.
Dave and I have figured out that we will alternate days of running. So the days I run, he'll stay home with the kids and encourage me to run. The days he runs, I encourage him to run and stay home with the kids.
I still have hopes to run a 5k this year. I had plans to run multiple, but I don't know if I can do that. I'll try though! My work is hosting a 5k again this year to support the at risk/placed out of home kids and the programs we run for them. I'm definately doing that race in October. Maybe one in September too. In fact- goal for today: register for a race in September. Why the heck not, right? Who cares if I don't run the whole race, at least I'll complete it!
And for a quick update on our day to day stuff:
Ben is sleeping through the night more and more, so that's helping me catch up on some much needed rest. He still will only nap in his swing, but at this point, I'm ok with it. I figure he sleeps well and it's probably pretty good for his reflux. Yup, I said that nasty "R" word. The doctor thinks he has it too and offered medication for it, if I thought he was in a lot of pain. I'm leary on giving infants medication so I turned it down with the agreement that we could call for medication in the future.
Tyler is doing awesome at home with us. It's allowing me to focus more on his potty training. He's going #1 pretty regularly now. He's still not up for #2 in there though. We'll continue to work on it. He's enjoying playing outside and going to the playground during the day. He's a big help to daddy in the fix it area of our home. He's always carrying a tool around with him "fixin' stuff". We've only had one accident this summer, so far. A scray and potentially devastating accident. Fortunately, Dave was right there and reacted quicker than I could imagine. Tyler was playing out on the deck and fell in the pool when he bent over to get a ball he kicked in there. He was unharmed and unphased by the ordeal, thankfully.
"There are only 2 choices; make progress or make excuses" --Ellen Mikesell
Saw you posted about your new blog - you now have a new follower. Good luck and keep it up! Once you get into the routine, it'll be easy to stick to.