Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010!!

It's been a long time since I've posted here. Sorry about that. I thought I should get on here and post something before the year ends. Unfortunately, I'm resorting to one handed typing so it's going to be brief.
I hate "resolutions". Everyone fails. I don't want to fail. So, I've set attainable goals for the next year:
1. workout in some fashion at least 2 days a week- even if it's dancing around the living room with T to The Wiggles, or getting a solid set of sit-ups in while playing on the floor.
2. I'd like to run again when the snow melts away (I'd like to go today since it's 48* out). My goal is to run at least 4 races by the end of the year. I have 3-4 already picked out and I'm just waiting for registrations to be available.
3. Spend less.
4. Declutter the house through donation, selling, throwing out, and recycling. Keep it decluttered and live a minimalist lifestyle. This one may be the toughest for me. I love Things.

I guess I should do a 5. keep up with this blog. Post updates on my goals, recipes I've tried, my weight loss challenges, and DIY projects.

Happy New Year to you.

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