Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1 of reaching my goal

I'm going to do it... I'm going to lose my excess poundage and inches. Yesterday, I didn't do great on my food intake (as far as what I ate, not quantity- that I did well with, I think) But I did do a bunch of situps while I was playing on the floor with B.
Yesterday doesn't matter though. Technically it was my last day to indulge. Today, June 1, is my first day of "Project Less than what I am Today".

3/4 cup cereal
1 cup ff milk

salad with light balsamic dressing
1 slice bacon
string cheese

tortellini with tomato sauce
breaded green tomatoes (2 slices)


1.5 mile walk, pushing a stroller

Saturday, May 28, 2011

I'm back!!! and ready to LOSE!

I'm finally back. I took a break from my goal to lose because once I restricted my diet, I ended up restricting my baby's diet too (aka my milk supply tanked). Today is B's first birthday. This means he's due for his 12 month appointment at the pediatrician. At this appointment, we'll be discussing the weaning process and transitioning to cows milk. This gives me mixed emotions. I love that I can provide something for my son that no one else can. I love the bond we have and the secret looks and smiles we exchange while nursing. I don't love the weight I've kept on. To all those mothers out there that were pre-pregnancy weight a few months into nursing- I'm utterly and completely jealous. I'm not that lucky.
So, I'm back to my plan to lose this damn weight. I've been thinking about my plan of attack, usually while I'm taking a shower and wishing the water could just melt away the love handles and belly I've developed. Here's my plan, tell me if I'm crazy?
I'm going to log everything I eat, daily. I'm going to losely keep track of (WW) points and increase my activity. I'm going to do some research and find some new races to sign up for. (Before our relocation I had a race or two picked out every month between April and November) It stays lighter longer where we are now, so potentially I could go running after the kids are in bed, or really early before D leaves for work, if the kids are still sleeping.
I'm going to do this- I must do this.
Weight loss goal: 15lbs by July 31. This gives me 9 weeks to do reach the goal.
Wish me luck!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Without Losing it...

I've always enjoyed a good book. I tend to go through spurts of reading a ton or having my only read be the recipe of the night. Lately, I'm addicted to reading--- really. I finished a book and went through withdrawl- constantly telling Dave I was upset I had nothing to read. Now, in reality, I have a whole bookshelf full of books I could have picked up to read again, but what fun is that?
That led me to the library. Tyler loves it there, as do I. We found a few books for him to borrow and I set him down in a big comfy chair to read them while I searched for a book for me. Success! Ben on the other hand, is a bit tough since he's not really moving around on his own yet and it's winter so we're all bundled up and I'm NOT pushing a stroller through the snowy parking lots. A few times, he just hung out on the floor nearby.
That book I found was Winter Garden by Kristen Hannah. At first I wasn't loving it because of the fairytale the mother tells. It just didn't suck me in until it started to hold some power in the book. There were a few places I thought I could cry. Good book and a recommend from me.
Tyler got the books: Tap Tap Bang Bang (a book about tools) and Dinosaur Train (a book about a boy who loves dinosaurs and trains) Both were great books for Tyler and he didn't want to return them.

Yesterday was library visit number 2. I just joined a Book Club and was on the hunt for The Help by Kathryn Stockett. All libraries were out of it, except for one which had 1 copy in LARGE PRINT. We tried this (bigger) library nearby and Tyler fell in love. They had miniture couches and such for him to sit and read (or rearrange!). Tyler picked 3 books: Chicka Chicka 1-2-3, In the Diner, and The Bicklebee's Bird Bath. So far, he likes all three.

*If anyone reads this, and has a good recommendation for some books- both adult and kids- I'd love them!

I'll do a review of the books I read and list the books Tyler reads too after our visits to the library.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 days in...

So far, I haven't accomplished much this year. I have a cranky infant who just won't sleep- ever. No naps, and waking every 2 hours at night. I wish I could get a schedule down for Ben, but he's stubborn. I now realize I had it easy with Tyler- he set his own schedule and loved his sleep. Ben is lucky he's cute and seems to know when he needs to flash that two tooth grin.

On the positive note, Dave and I have made our 2011 Bucket List. It's long, but the items on it are great. Some of the items include various things to do with the kids, theater events, vacations, and just some simple quality time together. Every year we make a list of things we'd like to do throughout the year, but that list generally turns into a 'list of things to do around the house'. The rule this year was NONE of the house stuff could be on it. There are plenty of things around the house that could have made that list (like re-painting the kitchen, diy updates to the ceiling fans, set up play room in basement, etc).
As I sit here and write out those few items and think of all the others on that list--- I'm overwhelmed. They'll never happen if this baby doesn't get onto a schedule and SLEEPS!

There's hope for September though. Ben will be over a year old and *hopefully* Tyler will be in pre-school. I called a place nearby to see what their program was like. I was put on a 'long wait list' that will give me a 'non-existant chance' of getting accepted into the 3 year old program, but won a slot on the 'slim chance' list for the 4 year old program in 2012! Geez.... who knew pre-school was so tough to get into. So now I'm on the search for more programs. I'd love it if our former Daycare provider offered pre-school for 3 year olds at a REASONABLE price, but it's doubtful. I'll call a few churches in the area to look into their programs too.

Any tips on getting a baby on schedule and a toddler into pre-school?