Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Delicious Dinner: Fish Tacos

First things first: a quick update from June 22. My upcoming events were a partial fail. We got out for that walk- which ended up being much longer than we planned. The dog ran away and we couldn't find him. So we walked and walked and then turned around to walk to the horse farm that's a mile away from our house. Tyler loves this place. Fortunately, a few horses were out- 3 very large ones and a mini. No luck in finding the dog, until we got home and Dave called to tell me he finally got his phone and there were a number of messages from a neighbor saying she had Riley and wanted to return him. She was super nice and even drove him back here to the house so I didn't have to pack the kids up in the stroller/carrier to go get him and then try to walk with him on the leash while pushing the stroller. Thank God we live in a nice community still! Oh, and no haircut either.

So, on to the reason for the post. We're so excited that my brother in law and sister in law are back in town to live!! We had a spur of the moment playdate yesterday for Tyler and Maya (neice). It was great. Tyler needed a few reminders to be gentle and nice to Maya, but overall I think they did well. Tyler is pretty possessive of his belongings since Ben came to be, but he's learning.
MacKenzie was a great guest and made us dinner too! Fish Tacos. I was nervous about them, but excited because it seems to be a popular dish lately, and we need some variation in our fish menu! She used this recipe http://www.keyingredient.com/recipes/295411/mario-lopezs-fish-tacos-with-avocado-and-black-bean-salsa/ and it was FANTASTIC!!! The salsa is something that I think we'll make frequently and just eat with chips. Yum.
Had to share!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 3 and Day 1

Day 3 of counting points. I've been doing ok... well, I think I have been. I'm slacking in keeping exact count of points, but I'm logging what I'm eating. So at least I'm seeing what's going in daily.
Day 1 of exercise. Yes, I said I was going to wait until my appointment next week, but I thought about it and figured I could do what I could and then stop if I needed to or adapt the workout to feel comfortable. If it hadn't been raining today- I would have gone for a walk with the boys. Hopefully tomorrow will be nicer. Instead I did a Crunch Gym Ab blast video. 32 minutes of cardio/abs. Felt good. I'll be trying to do it daily-ish when the boys have coordinating naps. (Thankfully Tyler took a nap today- yesterday was a big fight and then multiple breakdowns at night due to no nap!)

I managed to do some dishes and clean the kitchen up a bit today, and folded the laundry that's been sitting in the laundry room for a few days. I just need to figure a time to get the clothes put away. Now would be great, if Ben would sleep for a few minutes while NOT laying on me! I'll take the snuggles though :)

Upcoming events:
Hopeful for a walk tomorrow morning. Toddler Storytime at the bookstore tomorrow and/or Thursday. Taking Tyler for a haircut at a barber shop with a cool car he can 'drive'. This weekend, Dave has off (tentatively) and my inlaws and some friends are coming up for a visit.
Dinner tonight:
Calzones and salad. ::runs off to find a good calzone recipe::

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Getting a slow start

I've meant to start counting points when I first started the blog. Not happening. As of tomorrow, the start of the week, I will count. I need to find my WW calculator but until then, I'll use paper and pen.
I'm getting anxious about working out. Is there a safe thing I can do before I'm cleared by the doctor?
Also frustrated at the race schedule. There were three 5ks I planned to sign up for this fall. I just double checked the dates and two races are on the same day- both of which I want to support. I'll have to see if anyone else will run one of the races with me, then make my choice that way.

On to a busy, warm Saturday. I'm taking Tyler and Ben to B is for Books (a local bookstore) to meet Curious George. Tyler's crazy about that curious monkey lately.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It's all about Accountability

Since having 2 kids, I'm realizing that I need to be held accountable for my actions- even if those actions are simply what I feed myself (and my family) and how much I'm moving day to day.
After having my first son, Tyler, I held on to a lot of pregnancy weight for a long time. It took me going back to work to lose it. I refuse to allow myself to remain in that same situation after having my second son, Benjamin.
I've set goals for myself and I will post them here. I will update my progress to reaching them and any barriers keeping me from reaching them.

Weight Goal: Lose 20lbs
Fitness Goal: Get moving, build strength and stamina, Run a few 5Ks before the end of 2010.
Reach an overall healthy lifestyle

*Now, I have to wait to workout for another few weeks before my doctor will clear me, but that won't stop me from working on what goes in my mouth. I utilized the Weight Watcher's program over a year ago. I'm going back to it- but this time I'm going to try to do it without having to go to meetings and paying for the program. I know the program already so I should be able to re-incorporate this into my life again, right?

Wish me luck!