Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Day 3 and Day 1

Day 3 of counting points. I've been doing ok... well, I think I have been. I'm slacking in keeping exact count of points, but I'm logging what I'm eating. So at least I'm seeing what's going in daily.
Day 1 of exercise. Yes, I said I was going to wait until my appointment next week, but I thought about it and figured I could do what I could and then stop if I needed to or adapt the workout to feel comfortable. If it hadn't been raining today- I would have gone for a walk with the boys. Hopefully tomorrow will be nicer. Instead I did a Crunch Gym Ab blast video. 32 minutes of cardio/abs. Felt good. I'll be trying to do it daily-ish when the boys have coordinating naps. (Thankfully Tyler took a nap today- yesterday was a big fight and then multiple breakdowns at night due to no nap!)

I managed to do some dishes and clean the kitchen up a bit today, and folded the laundry that's been sitting in the laundry room for a few days. I just need to figure a time to get the clothes put away. Now would be great, if Ben would sleep for a few minutes while NOT laying on me! I'll take the snuggles though :)

Upcoming events:
Hopeful for a walk tomorrow morning. Toddler Storytime at the bookstore tomorrow and/or Thursday. Taking Tyler for a haircut at a barber shop with a cool car he can 'drive'. This weekend, Dave has off (tentatively) and my inlaws and some friends are coming up for a visit.
Dinner tonight:
Calzones and salad. ::runs off to find a good calzone recipe::

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