Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 days in...

So far, I haven't accomplished much this year. I have a cranky infant who just won't sleep- ever. No naps, and waking every 2 hours at night. I wish I could get a schedule down for Ben, but he's stubborn. I now realize I had it easy with Tyler- he set his own schedule and loved his sleep. Ben is lucky he's cute and seems to know when he needs to flash that two tooth grin.

On the positive note, Dave and I have made our 2011 Bucket List. It's long, but the items on it are great. Some of the items include various things to do with the kids, theater events, vacations, and just some simple quality time together. Every year we make a list of things we'd like to do throughout the year, but that list generally turns into a 'list of things to do around the house'. The rule this year was NONE of the house stuff could be on it. There are plenty of things around the house that could have made that list (like re-painting the kitchen, diy updates to the ceiling fans, set up play room in basement, etc).
As I sit here and write out those few items and think of all the others on that list--- I'm overwhelmed. They'll never happen if this baby doesn't get onto a schedule and SLEEPS!

There's hope for September though. Ben will be over a year old and *hopefully* Tyler will be in pre-school. I called a place nearby to see what their program was like. I was put on a 'long wait list' that will give me a 'non-existant chance' of getting accepted into the 3 year old program, but won a slot on the 'slim chance' list for the 4 year old program in 2012! Geez.... who knew pre-school was so tough to get into. So now I'm on the search for more programs. I'd love it if our former Daycare provider offered pre-school for 3 year olds at a REASONABLE price, but it's doubtful. I'll call a few churches in the area to look into their programs too.

Any tips on getting a baby on schedule and a toddler into pre-school?

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